Espionage is when you send your spies to take actions against a target in so-called spy-ops.
More information can be found on the wiki.
Information gathering
Barracks Spy | Reveal estimate units |
Castle Spy | Reveal castle improvements |
Land Spy | Reveal land |
Survey Dominion | Reveal buildings |
Steal Food | Steal food from target |
Steal Gems | Steal gems from target |
Steal Lumber | Steal lumber from target |
Steal Mana | Steal mana from target |
Steal Ore | Steal ore from target |
Steal Platinum | Steal platinum from target |
Black Ops
Assassinate Draftees | Kills 3.5% untrained draftees |
Assassinate Wizards | Kills 1.5% wizards |
Incite Chaos | Increases critical failure chance by 5% |
Magic Snare | Reduces wizard strength by 3.5% (min 1.5) |
Sabotage Boats | Destroys 2.3% boats |