
Each dominion can select one hero that gains experience and levels up, increasing a passive bonus based on its class and unlocking new upgrades.

Heroes gain 1 XP per acre gained from invasion, 2 XP per successful info operation (excluding bots), 4 XP per successful black operation, and 6 XP per successful war operation. Heroes lose 1 XP per acre lost from invasion, however this loss cannot exceed the XP required to maintain its current level.

Basic hero classes can be retired and replaced with another class. The new hero will start with XP equal to half that of its predecessor.

Advanced hero classes cannot be retired, cannot be selected until the 5th day of the round, and unlock additional upgrades.

Basic Classes

Name Level Bonus
Alchemist Platinum Production
Architect Construction Cost
Blacksmith Military Cost
Engineer Invest Bonus
Healer Casualties
Infiltrator Spy Power
Sorcerer Wizard Power

Advanced Classes

Name Level Bonus Requirement Upgrades
Scholar Tech Cost 10,000 research points Pursuit of Knowledge (required)
Scion Ops Power 350 prestige Disarmament (required)
Martyrdom (optional)
Revised Strategy (optional)

Hero Upgrades

Name Level Classes Description
Pursuit of Knowledge -- Scholar +30% research point production, -20% castle investment bonus
Disarmament -- Scion -100% offensive power, Destroying military buildings (Gryphon Nests, Guard Towers, and Temples) awards discounted land
Martyrdom 0 Scion Reduces the cost of spy and wizard training by 1% per 15 prestige (max 50%) for 24 hours
Revised Strategy 0 Scion Reset all techs, then gain RP to unlock up to 5 techs lost plus 50% of the remaining techs lost
King's Banner 2 -- -2% morale loss from invasion
Spyglass 2 -- Survey Dominion and Land Spy now cost 1% spy strength
Scribe's Journal 2 -- +10% research point gains from invasion
Enchantment 2 -- -1 wizard strength cost of self spells
Illusion 2 -- Failed spy ops no longer reveal your identity
Hammer of Retribution 4 -- +5 prestige gains from invasion if the target has attacked your realm (doubled if in the last 24 hours)
Orb of Detection 4 -- +20% enemy spy losses on failed operations
Transmutation 4 -- Mana can be converted into other resources
Divination 4 -- -10% cost of info spells
Staff of the Stormcaller 6 -- +20% cyclone damage
Blade of Sundering 6 -- +20% attack damage against wonders
Evocation 6 -- +10% fireball damage
Abjuration 6 -- -10% enemy lightning bolt damage

More information can be found on the wiki.

Level Bonuses

Level XP Alchemist Architect Blacksmith Engineer Healer Infiltrator Sorcerer Scholar Scion
1 100 0.20% -1.20% -0.25% 0.75% -1.00% 2.00% 2.00% -0.75% 1.00%
2 300 0.40% -2.40% -0.50% 1.50% -2.00% 4.00% 4.00% -1.50% 2.00%
3 600 0.60% -3.60% -0.75% 2.25% -3.00% 6.00% 6.00% -2.25% 3.00%
4 1000 0.80% -4.80% -1.00% 3.00% -4.00% 8.00% 8.00% -3.00% 4.00%
5 1500 1.00% -6.00% -1.25% 3.75% -5.00% 10.00% 10.00% -3.75% 5.00%
6 2250 1.20% -7.20% -1.50% 4.50% -6.00% 12.00% 12.00% -4.50% 6.00%
7 3000 1.40% -8.40% -1.75% 5.25% -7.00% 14.00% 14.00% -5.25% 7.00%
8 3750 1.60% -9.60% -2.00% 6.00% -8.00% 16.00% 16.00% -6.00% 8.00%
9 4750 1.80% -10.80% -2.25% 6.75% -9.00% 18.00% 18.00% -6.75% 9.00%
10 6000 2.00% -12.00% -2.50% 7.50% -10.00% 20.00% 20.00% -7.50% 10.00%
11 7750 2.20% -13.20% -2.75% 8.25% -11.00% 22.00% 22.00% -8.25% 11.00%
12 10000 2.40% -14.40% -3.00% 9.00% -12.00% 24.00% 24.00% -9.00% 12.00%