

Among the youngest of the races, the Human empire rose swiftly and against the odds. Humans proved to be not only capable warriors, but also skilled smiths, clever engineers and above all, adaptable. Their homeland destroyed decades ago, Humans seek to rebuild and reclaim their legacy as a dominant race.

Humans are generally proficient in everything they set their mind to, but masters of no single discipline.

Race Perk Value
Food production +5%
Racial Spell Category Duration
Crusade: +10% offensive power Self 12 hours
Home Land


Attacker: Beginner
Explorer: Beginner
Converter: Beginner

Military Units

Unit OP DP Perks Cost
Spearman 3 0 Offensive specialist. 275 platinum, 25 ore
Archer 0 3 Defensive specialist. 275 platinum, 15 ore
Knight 2 6 Defensive elite.

-25% casualties.
1040 platinum, 75 ore
Cavalry 6 3 Offensive elite.

Returns 3 hours faster from battle.
1300 platinum, 100 ore