

Bathed in darkness, the Vampires are immortal predators fueled by an unquenchable thirst for the life essence of mortals. They are masters of the night, commanding legions of minions and wielding power that stretches beyond mortal comprehension.

While some perceive them as cursed, others are drawn to the allure of immortality and power that the Vampires offer. But those who dare to indulge their desires do so at their own peril, for once bitten, there is no escape from their embrace.

Race Perk Value
Max population +7.5%
Food consumption -75%
Immortal wizards Yes
Racial Spell Category Duration
Feast of Blood: Military units lose all casualty reductions (including immortality), Bloodreavers convert additional Kindred equal to 9.5% of units sent Self 12 hours
Home Land


Attacker: Intermediate
Explorer: Beginner
Converter: Intermediate

Military Units

Unit OP DP Perks Cost
Dire Bat 3 0 Offensive specialist.

No boats needed.
275 platinum, 15 mana
Ghoul 0 3 Defensive specialist. 275 platinum
Kindred 2 5 Defensive elite.

-50% casualties.

No boats needed.
1000 platinum
Bloodreaver 4 3 Offensive elite.


Converts enemy peasants into Kindreds (up to 1 for every 22 sent on attack).

No boats needed.
1000 platinum