
Wonders provide bonuses to all dominions in the controlling realm and are acquired by destroying and rebuilding them.

The first wave of wonders will appear at the start of the round. An additional wonder will appear every 48 hours starting on Day 3. Once rebuilt, wonder power depends on the damage your realm did to it and time into the round.

When attacking wonders, your offense is unmodded (except by morale) and always suffers 3.5% casualties (including immortal units). Each dominion that attacks a wonder controlled by another realm is awarded prestige if they destroy and rebuild it in their realm.

More information can be found on the wiki.

Wonders of the World

Name Starting Power Description
Tier 1
Ancient Library 150,000 +10% castle investment bonus
Factory of Legends 150,000 -20% construction platinum cost
Fountain of Youth 150,000 +3% maximum population
Gnomish Mining Machine 150,000 +20% ore production
Golden Throne 150,000 +25% attacking prestige gains
Horn of Plenty 150,000 +2% platinum production, +2% food production, +2% gem production, +2% lumber production, +2% mana production, +2% ore production
Ruby Monolith 150,000 -10% offensive casualties, -10% defensive casualties
School of War 150,000 +3 barracks housing
Wayfarer's Outpost 150,000 +2% platinum production, -5% exploring platinum cost
Tier 2
Altar of Heroes 75,000 Hero bonuses increased by 100%, +10% hero experience gains
Astral Panopticon 75,000 Grants the effects of Surreal Perception
Great Market 75,000 +10% employment, +20% bank exchange rates
Great Oracle 75,000 -15% cost of spells, +30% wizard power
Guild of Shadows 75,000 -15% spy losses on failed operations, +25% spy power
Halls of Knowledge 75,000 +15 research point production per hour, +10% research point production
Hanging Gardens 75,000 +25% food production
High Cleric's Tower 75,000 Can kill all immortal units, Offensive casualties against this realm cannot be reduced, Defensive casualties inflicted by this realm cannot be reduced
Imperial Armada 75,000 Boats cannot be sabotaged, -1% platinum tax from Royal Guard
Ivory Tower 75,000 50% chance of causing hostile spells to fail
Underground Society 75,000 50% chance of causing hostile spy operations to fail
Wizard Academy 75,000 -50% hostile spell damage