Wood Elf (Classic)


Graceful, slender and beautiful, the Wood Elves are among the eldest of the races and keenly attuned with the natural world. Some Wood Elf lives span centuries, blessing their kin with wisdom through the ages.

Though peaceful by nature, Wood Elves are a versatile race, proficient in combat with their deadly archers and magically gifted druids that draw power from the very forest itself, and backed up by powerful wizards and skilled spies that excel at covert ops.

Race Perk Value
Max population -5%
Lumber production +10%
Offensive power +2.5%
Rezone cost +10%
Wizard power +10%
Spy power +10%
Racial Spell Category Duration
Gaia's Blessing: +20% food production, +10% lumber production Self 12 hours
Home Land


Attacker: Advanced
Explorer: Beginner
Converter: Beginner

Military Units

Unit OP DP Perks Cost
Ranger 3 0 Offensive specialist. 275 platinum, 25 ore
Longbowman 0 4 Defensive specialist. 360 platinum, 10 ore
Mystic 0 4 Defensive elite.

Defense increased by 1 for every 20% forests (max +4.5).
1150 platinum
Druid 3 1 Offensive elite.

Offense increased by 1 for every 20% forests (max +4.5).

Defense increased by 1 for every 20% forests (max +4.5).
1100 platinum